Parallelism in wonderland: are you ready to see how deep the
rabbit hole goes? 2014 Edition
1. Important to read: Talks'
Vade Mecum - [TXT - V0];
2. First class: Wed 15, from 2pm to 3.30pm @ Aula Seminari Alessandra Alario - 4th Floor - Building 21
1. Lecture 1 - 15 Jan, 2014 (Aula Seminari Alessandra Alario @
Course introduction - [PPT - V3] or [PDF - V3]
Video - [mp4]
2. Lecture 2 - 16 Jan, 2014 (Aula Seminari Alessandra Alario @
Pipeline: introduction - [PPT -
V0] or [PDF - V0]
Pipeline: hazard - [PPT - V0] or [PDF - V0]
3. Lecture 3 - 16 Jan, 2014 (Aula Seminari
Alessandra Alario @ 2pm)
Branch hazards and static branch predictors - [PPT - V0] or [PDF - V0]
Dynamic branch predictors - [PPT - V0] or [PDF - V0]
VLIW architectures - [PPT - V0] or [PDF - V0]
4. Lecture 4 - 17 Jan, 2014 (Aula Seminari
Alessandra Alario @ 3.30pm)
Multithreading - [PPT - V0] or [PDF - V0]
Multiprocessors - [PPT - V0] or [PDF - V0]
Video - Duck Demo - [wmv]
Caches in MIMD architectures - [PPT - V0] or [PDF - V0]
5. Lecture 5 - 20 Jan, 2014 (Aula Seminari
Alessandra Alario @ 9am)
Programming Multicore Platforms - [PDF - V0]
6. Lecture 6 - 20 Jan, 2014 (PT1 @ 9am)
Parallel Software and Parallelizing Compilers - [PDF - V0]
7. Lecture 7 - 21 Jan, 2014 (PT1 @ 9am) Performance Productivity Challenges and Researches - [PDF - V0]
8. Lecture 8 - 23 Jan, 2014 (Aula Seminari Alessandra Alario @
Parallel Software Development and Parallelizing Compilers - [PDF - V0]
The HELIX Research Project - [PDF - V0]
1. ILP: [ZIP - V0]
1. Paper/Topic Assignment 20 Jan, 2014 (Aula Seminari Alessandra Alario @
Papers to choose among, related to the architecture part
of the class - [ZIP]
Papers to choose among, related to the compiler part
of the class - [ZIP]
2. Exam/Talks 24 Jan, 2014 (Aula Seminari
Alessandra Alario @ 2pm)
TALKS (not presented in any specifc
Important to read: Talks'
Vade Mecum - [TXT - V0]
1. Mario Polino: Revisiting the Sequential Programming Model for
Multi-Core - [PDF]
2. Michele Carminati: Multicore resource management - [PDF]
3. Matteo Ferroni: Thin locks: featherweight
synchronization for Java - [PDF]
4. Alessio Franchi: The RAW microprocessor: a computational fabric
for software circuits and general-purpose programs - [PDF]
5. Massimo Quadrana: Kremlin: Rethinking and Rebooting
gprof for the Multicore Age - []
6. Luca Florio: The Future of Microprocessors - [PDF]
7. Yuriy Vaskin: Practical and Accurate Low-Level Pointer
Analysis - []
8. Abdulrahman Kaitoua: Modeling Critical Sections in Amdhal's Law
and its Implications for Multicore Design - []
9. Riccardo Cattaneo: Moving Scientific Codes to Multicore
Microprocessor CPUs - [PDF]
10. Gianluca Durelli: Computing Models for FPGA-Based
Accelerators - []